The current at-large system for School Committee elections has been challenged for failing to provide adequate representation of the full diversity of our city.
Question: Given your at-large seat, how will you assure that the concerns, interests, and ideas of the various communities and constituencies that are Worcester are voiced, understood, and addressed?
5 out of 8 candidates responded
Laura Clancey
“During my first term on the School Committee I have worked closely with caregivers, students, community leaders across the city to make sure everyone has a voice and that those voices are being heard. I have worked with students and families in this district for over 15 years. I have always advocated for their needs and made sure their concerns were addressed.”
Jermaine Johnson
“This is one of the reasons why I chose to run for Worcester School Committee. The history of the Worcester School Committee shows that there has been a lack of representation of full diversity. There has never been a Black male elected to the Worcester School Committee. As I have looked at past issues in the city and people asking for more representation, and diversity in the city this an opportunity to have more voices and diversity at the School Committee table. Also being a father of two children in the Worcester Public Schools, being a social worker who works with many ethnic backgrounds, and cultures. I can bring a different perspective to the School Committee from different communities through out the city. I will continue to be on the front line and have access from all children and families from different cultures through out the city.”
Sue Mailman
“I support reforms to the electoral system to allow fair representation on the School Committee as well as investment in cultivating strong candidates and voter turnout from all of our city’s neighborhoods and communities so we can win that representation. In the meantime, during this School Committee term, I will make an effort to reach out to underrepresented communities to listen to their ideas and concerns.
In my campaign, we have issued campaign materials in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, and I will likewise support expanded language access for WPS students and their families, meaning translation of written materials, public meetings, and other communications into multiple languages. Prior to the campaign, I lived for 15 years in Council District 3, 15 years in Council District 2 and 5 years in Council District 1. I have also been involved in initiatives that reach all of the city’s high schools, and especially Worcester Tech, which serves the entire city.”
Tracy O'Connell Novick
“I think it’s first always crucial not to assume that my experience is anyone else’s. I then know that’s necessary to continually make myself as available as possible as many places (online and otherwise) to listen. I am continually learning more from all constituencies in Worcester; I think for an effective public official that never stops. This has formed, particularly during the pandemic, much of my push to be online and be available for families, staff, and students.”
Molly O. McCullough
“Something I have been committed to since the beginning of my time on the School Committee is being accessible to all. While that is the case, I realize that not all parents and families know their options of contacting people within the system or the School Committee for help on issues. Even with all of the translation that is provided, many of our meetings are still held predominantly in English only. When non-English speaking families are looking to hear the conversations and explanations going on at these meetings, it isn’t necessarily accessible to all. I am advocating for us to use some of the translation services we have used throughout the past year more frequently. I believe that doing more work with community and neighborhood groups and making sure we are connected with them and information is reaching them so it can be shared. We also need to work at ensuring that there are equal opportunities in each quadrant. We need to focus on being one system made up of 44 schools, not 44 separate schools that make up a system. I will always work for all of the children and educators in the WPS.”
Shanel Soucy
Waiting for a response from the candidate.