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Charting the Path to Excellence & Equity Series - Part 1: MCAS Achievement Data

Worcester Public Schools’ new 5-year Strategic Plan, Our Promise to the Future, sets ambitious goals to increase overall student achievement and close performance gaps for historically underserved students.  What do the latest MCAS results—the state’s standardized assessment—reveal about Worcester’s progress toward these goals? What initiatives are in place to ensure that all students succeed? How do parents and caregivers view these efforts? What additional supports do they believe are needed to help their children thrive?

The Worcester Education Equity Roundtable’s new community forum series, “Charting the Path to Excellence and Equity,” is exploring these important questions as part of a broader effort to examine student achievement in Worcester. 

Part 1: MCAS Achievement Data was held on Monday, December 9th, from 4:30 – 6:00 pm. This event featured two representatives from Worcester Public Schools: Dr. Marco Andrade, Director of Research and Accountability, and Craig Dottin, Principal on Assignment for Student Supports. Dr. Andrade presented the district’s 2024 MCAS results, highlighting performance trends among student groups, providing historical context, and comparing Worcester’s results to similar urban districts. Mr. Dottin discussed key initiatives the district is implementing to support student success.

Following the presentation, Dr. Andrade and Mr. Dottin were joined by Ron Waddell, a Worcester Public School parent, for a panel discussion on student achievement in Worcester. They explored what supports parents and caregivers believe are critical to ensuring all students can reach their full potential.

Program Overview:

Welcome | Noe Medina, Worcester Education Collaborative

2024 MCAS Results | Marco Andrade, Worcester Public Schools

District Initiatives to Support Student Achievement | Craig Dottin, Worcester Public Schools

Panel Discussion | Ron Waddell, WPS Parent; Marco Andrade, WPS; Craig Dottin, WPS 


Sponsored by the Worcester Education Collaborative and the Worcester Education Equity Roundtable, this event is intended to help our community work together towards a stronger, more inclusive educational system for our children and our community. The Worcester Education Equity Roundtable is generously supported by The Nellie Mae Education Foundation.