Worcester Education Collaborative receives $900,000 Grant from Nellie Mae


Worcester – Worcester Education Collaborative (WEC) is proud to announce a $900,000 investment from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation (NMEF) over a three-year period. Funding will allow WEC and the Worcester Education Equity Roundtable which it convenes to work in alliance with the Worcester Public Schools (WPS) to craft a community-district partnership aimed at promoting excellence and equity in education. 

Funding will support collaboration between the Worcester Education Equity Roundtable and WPS over the next three years to develop inclusive policies and practices to promote culturally relevant and equitable learning environments across Worcester’s vibrant education ecosystem that encompasses both the schools and the community. 

“WEC is honored to receive this most generous gift from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation. We look forward to our shared work with WPS, the community, students, families, and the Foundation to foster deep and meaningful improvement in education in Worcester” said Dr. Jennifer Davis Carey, WEC Executive Director. “This is a crucial opportunity to act upon factors that contribute to entrenched inequity, and to effect changes that moves our city toward WEC’s vision of a transformational education community that enables all WPS students to achieve their full potential.” 

This funding coincides with a series of pivotal changes in education in Worcester, including the arrival of a new Superintendent of Schools in July, a significant infusion of state and federal funding, new membership on the School Committee, and a new School Committee structure. “The Foundation is excited about the community-driven momentum toward racial equity in Worcester. We know that when community partners are involved in advancing racial equity in schools, students are better positioned to receive the supports they need to thrive,” said Marcos Popovich, Program Director of Grantmaking, NMEF. 

The partnership intends to capture this critical moment to advance equity in Worcester’s schools. WEC and the Roundtable envision supporting ongoing opportunities for authentic family and community partnership with the WPS under the leadership of the new Superintendent. “We are extremely appreciative to have the resources to support true community conversation and engagement as we envision the future of education for the children of Worcester” said Dr. Monárrez, Superintendent, WPS. 



Jennifer Davis Carey, Executive Director, Worcester Education Collaborative

jdaviscarey@wecollaborative.org | (508) 615-5998

The mission of the Worcester Education Collaborative is to advance excellence and equity in education for all Worcester Public School students.